Dentures have been the go-to method for tooth replacement for hundreds of years—and they’re just as popular as ever today. Drs. Julia and Brandon White provide customized dentures and partials in Goode, VA designed to fit securely and comfortably within your mouth for maximum smile confidence. White Cosmetic & Family Dentistry also offers implant-retained prosthetics as an alternative for patients looking for a little more security in their denture.
Learn more about your options below, and then let’s get started on your dentures! We know that a stable tooth replacement and expert, personalized care will give you plenty of new reasons to smile.
The simple answer to this question is that most people with any number of missing teeth can potentially get dentures. Of course, it never pays to make any assumptions about which treatment is the best fit for you, which is where the team at White Cosmetic & Family Dentistry comes in. We can conduct a thorough examination of your mouth to help determine whether dentures are the right choice for filling in the empty space in your smile.
Missing teeth can be the sudden consequence of an accident or the long-term result of tooth decay and gum disease. How urgent is it to have missing teeth replaced? Generally speaking, it’s best to fill in the gap in a timely manner if you want to avoid long-term consequences, such as:
Dentures can help you enjoy a complete grin again while also improving your ability to speak and chew. But are they the right option for you? That’s the question that our team will need to answer when you visit us for a solution to missing teeth.
You may be qualified for dentures if you meet the following criteria:
Of course, it’s not simply a matter of confirming your candidacy for dentures; we will also need to narrow down the specific kind of denture you should get. Do you need partial dentures to fill in a number of gaps? Are full dentures required to replace an entire arch of teeth? Are you a candidate for implant dentures? You can count on us to figure out the best way to restore your smile.
If you are unable to get dentures, there are a couple of other tooth-replacement methods that are worth exploring:
As the name implies, a full denture is designed to replicate either the entire bottom or top arch of teeth. Once worn, it maintains its place within the mouth through natural suction or dental adhesive for a little extra security. Full dentures give patients back the ability to eat, speak, and smile with full confidence. And because they increase facial volume, full dentures might even take a few years off your appearance, too!
Custom-made partial dentures are also available at our Goode, VA dental office for patients who would prefer to maintain the natural, healthy teeth they have left. Our doctors design the partial to match your unique needs and keep it in place with clips or brackets. Both full and partial dentures are removable for your convenience and comfort.
A denture replaces your missing teeth, but what about their stabilizing roots? Without this portion of the tooth, dentures may become loose, slip around in the mouth, or even fall out completely. Dental implants act as prosthetic roots to provide the very best fit for your full denture.
What are dental implants? They are tiny titanium cylinders that are surgically implanted into the jawbone. Over a period of six to eight months, the dental implants fuse with the bone—a process that provides unsurpassed stability in tooth replacement. In addition to the security provided by dental implants, they also stimulate the jawbone, keeping it healthy, whole, and promoting better oral health for years to come.
Our doctors can restore dental implants with beautiful, natural-looking dentures, bridges, and crowns.
Dentures are a time-tested solution for restoring smiles and improving the quality of life for patients suffering from tooth loss. They not only help enhance your appearance but also provide a range of functional and health benefits. At White Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, our custom-fitted dentures are designed to give you a natural look while improving many aspects of your daily life. Whether you need full or partial dentures, Dr. Julia and Dr. Brandon are committed to helping you achieve a confident, healthy smile. Read more below to learn what you can expect from our quality prosthetics!
Missing teeth can take a toll on your confidence and self-esteem. Dentures can restore the appearance of your smile, making you feel more comfortable in any situation. When you have a complete set of pearly whites, it can have an electric effect on your mood! With this boost of confidence, you’ll no longer feel embarrassment when you speak, eat, or smile with others.
Our team understands the emotional impact of tooth loss, and we work closely with patients to provide perfect prosthetics that help them regain their sense of self and improve their quality of life.
Missing teeth can make it difficult to pronounce certain words or sounds clearly. Dentures help to restore the natural structure of your mouth, providing the support necessary for proper tongue placement. This vastly improves speech and enunciation making everyday conversations easier and more comfortable. With a rejuvenated smile, you'll be able to communicate more effectively and confidently, whether you’re talking to a friend, a coworker, or a loved one.
Dentures allow you to enjoy a wider variety of foods, which helps to support a balanced, nutritious diet. When missing teeth limit your ability to chew, it can be frustrating, and lead to avoiding certain foods altogether. The more restrictive your diet becomes, the more likely it is you may miss important nutrients. With dentures, you’ll be able to chew your food thoroughly, making it easier to consume fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, all of which are essential for overall health and well-being.
Dentures do more than just restore your smile—they also help preserve your oral health! When teeth are missing, the others that are adjacent can shift, leading to alignment issues and increased enamel wear. Dentures provide the support needed to keep this from happening, maintaining the structure of your smile and reducing the risk of more complex dental issues.
Your smile is one of the first things others notice about you when they meet you for the first time. In this way, dentures can open doors in both your personal and professional life! With a winning grin, you can hold your head up high whether you’re out at a restaurant or in a job interview. Whether you’re pursuing new career opportunities or simply looking to engage more fully in everyday life, denture prosthetics can help you feel more secure, giving you the freedom to smile, speak, and enjoy life without holding back!
Since your dentures will play a huge part in maintaining the beauty and health of your smile, it only makes sense that you’ll want to do what you can to ensure that they stay functional and gorgeous for as long as possible. Even if you’ve lost all of your teeth, it’s still important to practice proper oral hygiene and see us regularly at our office in Goode so we can make sure your mouth and your appliance stay in good shape and correct any issues in their early stages. It can be quite difficult for people who wear dentures to notice oral health abnormalities on their own, and early detection can help you achieve the best possible outcome.
Carefully remove and rinse your dentures after each meal to prevent accumulations of food residue and plaque. Take care not to use hot water, as the heat can warp your dentures and ruin the way they work and fit.
Always remove your dentures before cleaning them with a soft-bristled brush and a tiny amount of denture cleanser, mild dish soap, or unscented hand soap. Avoid using regular toothpaste, as it is too abrasive for dentures and can leave unsightly scars in artificial teeth. If you’re not putting your dentures back in your mouth immediately, soak them in a container of water or an approved denture cleanser to keep them from drying out and losing their shape. The products used to clean dentures can be harmful if swallowed, so always remember to thoroughly rinse your appliance after soaking it.
Whenever you clean your dentures, start by filling the basin of your sink with lukewarm water and placing folded towels across your countertop. This will create a cushion to prevent damage in case you drop your restoration. It’s also a great idea to keep your dentures far from the reach of pets and small children.
Wearing dentures restricts blood flow to your gums, so it’s important to take them out for at least eight hours daily so your mouth has time to rest and clean itself. Most patients do this before going to bed, and it’s important to always soak dentures when they are not being worn to prevent them from drying out and warping. Wearing one’s dentures for days without end is associated with higher risks of infections like pneumonia as well as accumulations of plaque on the gums and tongue.
Pay attention to your oral health and the condition of your dentures and let us know if you find any changes such as gum irritation, mouth sores, or signs of infection. A few signs that your dentures are not fitting properly include shifting, clicking, and jaw pain. Never attempt to repair damaged dentures on your own, as you may damage them further or cause oral injuries. Instead, call our office to schedule an appointment. After we evaluate the state of your mouth and your dentures, we can recommend adjusting or replacing your appliance.
Just like any dental restoration, the cost of dentures will vary from person to person, as there are numerous factors that contribute to the overall price. During your initial consultation, we will determine exactly what you can expect to pay for your dentures in Goode. In the meantime, here are some things to keep in mind.
There are a few main factors that will contribute to the overall cost of dentures:
Keep in mind that a cheaper denture doesn’t mean better. By opting for budget dentures, you are more likely to require frequent repairs and replacements. When you invest in quality dentures, it will pay off.
Yes, implant dentures cost more than traditional dentures, but there is good reason for it. Instead of being supported by the shape and suction of your gums, implant dentures are held in by a series of dental implants that are placed in the jawbone via a surgical procedure. This allows for numerous additional benefits, like being more lifelike and having additional stability. You won’t need to replace your dentures every 5 to 7 years either since implants are made to be long-lasting.
In most cases, you can expect some level of coverage for dentures. Many dental insurance plans provide up to 50% coverage, but this will vary depending on which plan you have. We are in-network with BlueCross BlueShield, Anthem, and Delta Dental Premier. Our team would be happy to file claims on your behalf, even for out-of-network providers, so we can best help you maximize your benefits.
If you don’t have dental insurance, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re completely out of luck. Our team is happy to work with patients to navigate their individual needs and make the process as stress-free as possible. Restoring your smile shouldn’t mean stressing out over finances.
To learn more about how much you can expect to pay for dentures, contact us to schedule a consultation. We are looking forward to helping you smile again with confidence!
Dentures are a great solution to treat significant tooth loss because they are convenient and affordable. They’ve undergone several improvements over the years to enhance their fit and function. Although you’re ready to enjoy a complete smile again, we understand you have a few concerns. We’ll explain everything during your initial consultation. While you wait for your visit, here are the answers to a few of the most common questions patients ask us about dentures to feel confident in the decisions you’re making for your smile.
Our husband-and-wife team strives to provide top-notch care. Drs. Brandon and Julie White combine their experience and qualifications to treat advanced oral health issues, like tooth loss. Our office uses the latest techniques and technologies to create dental prosthetics that closely look and feel like your natural teeth to rebuild a beautiful, functional smile. You’ll enjoy a personalized treatment plan to regain your quality of life and your confidence with high-quality dentures.
No one wants to be caught without their teeth, but it’s best to remove them at night to give your gums time to rest. When they aren’t in your mouth, store them in a denture solution to keep them moist. If your dentures dry out, they can warp, which can cause them to fit poorly or irritate your gum tissue.
It will take a few days to get used to wearing your dentures, but in no time at all, you’ll be able to enjoy many of your favorite foods again. You’ll want to cut your foods into small pieces to make them easier to chew. Although you’ll be able to eat a variety of foods, there are some you’ll want to avoid, like those that are overly hard or chewy. If you’re dissatisfied with your biting force, ask us how we can stabilize your denture with dental implants. You can regain as much as 70% of your natural biting force.
After receiving your new dentures, you might experience minor irritation, but it will subside within a few days. If the discomfort persists, your dentures may need to be adjusted. It’s important to visit your dentist regularly to have your dentures relined to ensure they continue to fit snuggly to minimize any injury or irritation to your gum tissue.
There isn’t a set fee for dentures because the cost is determined by your specific treatment plan. We’ll provide you with a custom estimate during your initial consultation and discuss your payment options, like using your dental insurance. If there’s any remaining balance, our office accepts a variety of payment methods, like third-party financing.
If you’re ready to replace your missing teeth, don’t Google, “where is a dentist near me?” Instead, contact our office today to schedule your consultation for a beautiful, complete smile.
If you are interested in tooth replacement with dentures, please get in touch with White Cosmetic & Family Dentistry. We are the experts in full and partial dentures—contact our Goode, VA dental office to schedule an appointment today!