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Dentist in Bedford, VA Helps Protect Dental Health from Food Allergies

April 1, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drhendricksen @ 8:25 pm

Your dentist in Bedford, VA offers the care you need for dental health.The month of May is dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies. As National Food Allergy Month, it helps spotlights the seriousness of food allergies. However, while awareness is raised to the health complications of food allergies, there is often one area that is overlooked. Food allergies can have a significant impact on oral health, increasing the risk for tooth decay and bleeding gums. As your dentist in Bedford, VA, Dr. Ronald Hendricksen wants to help promote your dental health while living with food allergies.

Sweet Enough – Your Family Dentist in Goode Explains How Diabetes Affects Your Smile

March 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drhendricksen @ 4:51 am

Curious about the link between diabetes and your overall health? Learn more from your dentist in Goode, Hendricksen Cosmetic & Family Dentistry. You remember that song from school, right? The one that goes “Your shin bone’s connected to your knee bone, your knee bone’s connected to your thigh bone,” and so on? Well, even kids know from that song that everything in the body is connected – and that includes your smile. In this post, the team at Hendricksen Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, your premier dentist in Goode, explains how diabetes impacts your smile, and how keeping your blood sugar levels under control can help maintain a healthier dental status.



Your Family Dentist in Goode Urges You To Brush Up

February 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drhendricksen @ 6:19 pm

Your family dentist in Goode instructs on proper teeth brushing.

We’ve all done it a time or two or more. With lightening speed, we push the brush back and forth a few times across our teeth and once that minty taste appears, we rinse and head for the door. It may be hard to admit, but some of us have even dragged our toothbrushes into the shower in an attempt to multitask our daily cleaning ritual. There is an old saying, ‘you get what you pay for,’ and it couldn’t be any truer in the case of oral hygiene. You will definitely be left holding the dental bill if you shortchange yourself on caring for your teeth. Your family dentist in Goode, Dr. Hendricksen, wants to partner with you so that proper oral care is something you will be smiling about for years to come.

Tooth Decay Leads To Root Canal Therapy in Goode

January 13, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drhendricksen @ 1:42 pm

Good oral hygiene is vital for many reasons, including looking good. If you don’t take care of your teeth, you could end up needing root canal therapy in Goode.People cut corners all the time – eating unhealthy snacks on the go, drinking sugary energy drinks instead of sleeping enough, and not brushing and flossing as much as they should. In today’s busy world, many men and women just don’t have enough time to take care of themselves – and their teeth – properly. But, when you don’t take good care of your teeth, it could lead to major health issues. Aside from long-term ramifications like heart disease, you could end up in your dentist’s chair needing root canal therapy in Goode, all as a result of tooth decay. Fortunately for you, the team at Hendricksen Cosmetic & Family Dentistry have tips on how to prevent tooth decay and the need for a subsequent root canal.

Goode Same Day Emergency Dentist is the One to Call

December 17, 2016

Filed under: emergency dentistry,Uncategorized — Tags: , — drhendricksen @ 10:51 pm

Goode same day emergency dentist is ready when you need help. The fact that every hospital has an emergency room should tell you something about the need for urgent care. When you have an urgent medical need, it’s nice to know there’s an emergency room open 24/7. But what should you do in case of a dental emergency? Unfortunately, most hospital emergency rooms are not staffed or equipped to handle an urgent dental need. That’s when you should call Goode same day emergency dentist Dr. Hendricksen. At Hendricksen Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, we are here to help you or a family member when you have any kind of dental emergency.


What to Expect After Getting Dental Implants in Goode

October 1, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drhendricksen @ 4:28 pm

What happens after I get dental implants in Goode?You’re so excited because you’re finally going to get your missing teeth back. After years of uncomfortable eating and awkward speaking, you’ll be able to fully smile again. Dr. Ron Hendricksen has already explained to you why dental implants in Goode are so effective and how they are the best way to restore your missing teeth; that part you completely understand. He tells you that the procedure starts with a minor surgery where the titanium roots will actually be placed into your jaw. Your only question is, what should you expect after that? (more…)

Choose the Best Dentist for Dental Implants in Goode

September 12, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drhendricksen @ 8:58 pm

Your dentist for dental implants in Goode.If you are interested in replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, you are making a very smart decision. Offering over a 95 percent success rate, dental implants have become the most preferred and recommended form of tooth replacement. As a result, more than 3 million dental implants have already been placed. In addition, that number is expected to increase annually by 500,000. To achieve the benefits of dental implants and a complete smile, you will need to find a dentist who offers dental implants in Goode. Since the success of the implants largely relies on who performs the procedures, you need to ensure you make a smart decision. As your family dentist in Goode, Dr. Ron Hendricksen is here to help you find the best implant dentist.

Meet Your Family and Cosmetic Dentist in Goode VA

March 19, 2016

cosmetic dentist in Goode VAHendricksen Cosmetic and Family Dentistry is happy to welcome you to our blog! As a family and cosmetic dentist in Goode VA, we are the compassionate dental practice that cares for your entire family. As part of our commitment to provide quality care to your family, we are here to give you the opportunity to get to know our friendly staff through our blog as we provide you with comprehensive information that’s relevant to your family’s care. We believe that you should be well informed about your oral health to develop a lifetime of beautiful smiles.

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